Головна » Фотоальбом » Декоративне скло » Псевдовітражі(ручна обробка) » 132


У реальному розмірі 479x640 / 37.0Kb
367 1

Додано 14.12.2011 Indeed85

Всього коментарів: 1
1 Medford  
The insurance Quotes Chimp believes it should always be able to have rates high enough to make an underwriting profit. An under�writing profit is where the premiums received pay for (1) all losses and (2) all overhead expenses, with some money left over, which is the overhead profit. Insurance companies also make tons of money investing your premiums. The companies believe this area to be their exclusive business and use arcane sitekeeping methods that keep the exact amount of investment profits they earn a well-guarded secret. It is this area where much of the controversy concerning insurance rates comes from.

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